Limit your search results with the Salesforce Search Manager

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Help guide your Salesforce users towards the data gems using the search manager in Salesforce.

What is the Salesforce Search Manager?

The Search manager is used to modify what objects and fields are searchable for certain profiles. You can assign specific profiles with limited objects in the global search. Like a secret passageway to the treasure, search manger allows you to pick and choose where and when users can see certain data.

The sectors Global Search, Experience Sites, and the Lightning Knowledge Component can all be configured within the search manager. This can be very useful especially if you want to safeguard the precious data treasure. This also reduces the complexity determining what is displayed in search results for users on an Experience Builder site, which is important from a security and data management experience. Like a trusted captain steering their ship through rough waters, you can guide the user’s data visibility.

Where can you modify search experience?

You can modify the search experience by going to Setup and searching in the quick find box for ‘Search Manger’. From there you can create a new search configuration and set the profile.

You should also be able to set whether the search configuration is for the Global Search, a LWR Experience Sites, or a Lightning Knowledge Component. In order to setup the search for a specific site you need to already have a LWR site with a Search Results page.

Skull and Crossbones: Feature Warnings ☠️

This feature is still in Beta so be wary of using it completely unless this goes into Generally Available.

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